Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dear Students From Hell

I hate that you never cease to ruin my day. You are like a mosquito...predictably bad, constantly annoying, and ugly. I hate teaching you. I hate your blank face and stuttering words. I hate your lack of enthusiasm...your cell-phones texts under the table, and the way you ask innocently to "go to toilet". Go already. I will not hold you back. I hate you so much I won't even fail you because I know I might have you again if you fail.

Perhaps I should punish you for making me feel this way but instead I punish myself. I hold you after class thinking next time you will actually do what I say. I give you homework hoping you might review 1% of what I've taught but still you don't know the difference between advantage and disadvantage.

Today I watched the clock tick slowly as you searched your puny brain for the answer to a simple question:

M- What should you consider when looking for a job?
Y- I don't know...I don't consider job
M- OK, what do you think is more important, work environment or work location?
Y- Huh location?
M- Fine, what is your ideal job?
M- Why?
Y- CEO...I CEO suit I

No sweetie. You don't. You are only alive because your parents are rich and sends you to this "training school". You have no thought of your own...no opinions, and even trying hurts your brain. Please, just continue eating in my class. I forgive you. I know that eating and sleeping is all you can do.

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