Saturday, February 28, 2009


Nostalgia overwhelms me today as I walk around my neighborhood. The scent of fallen rain fills me with distant memories of puddle-soaked pants and sugar drips down my arm as I lick my red-bean popsicle. Winter is ending and all too soon pink flowers will blossom in the trees but little Chinese girls pick at frozen streaks of snow...prolonging the season a little longer. I wish grandfather was alive to see his homeland.

Yi Er Shan

The soldiers march left and right
Young boys with eyes so bright
An old women comes running by
Shouting that the soldiers must all die
Boy 1 looks at Boy 2 and 3
No one here is really free
So the old women disappears
Between boys marching in pairs.


Yesterday I saw a man walking home slowly...taking in the scenery as he went. Perhaps he has no one to return to or pehaps, like me, he was avoiding the inevitable meeting of "other people". Either way, for a brief moment I felt myself a part of his individuality and I rejoiced in being both singular and plural at once.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I got in....

I got my first acceptance offer! Here's the email from the Dean:

I wanted to speak with you directly—but the most important thing—I want you to come to Utah. The University of Utah MD/PhD has accepted you. We will send the letter to your home address. We want to be fair to others who would like to come—we want you to make a decision by a certain time (defined in the letter).

Tell me what you need from me so that you will accept the University of Utah’s offer. What are your thoughts? How do you think about where you should go? I am happy to skype with you—or give me a number and I am happy to call you. I want to know how you are thinking about it. I KNOW that you will be part of a a remarkable class..

Finally—if you don’t accept—I am gonna take it out on your wonderful baby sister :)

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The US embraced me like a beautiful dream. It was everything I had cream with friends, Chano's, Catch Phrase, Denny's at midnight, strolls along Wasatch Blvd...Yet, interlaced between the familiar were new cities, new people, and new possibilities...I met the first guy I have ever kissed, I finally got to see Mayo, I learned to ski better, and like I all felt surreal.

Thank you to my friends who welcomed me (and in many cases hosted me). Thank you America for reminding me what I have. I am glad it was so surreal that I can fool myself into believing it was all a makes coming back so much easier.